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Killer Content

Professional Content Creation Services

Content Strategy

We will develop a custom strategy and written guides for the team to follow.

Content Management

We manage content calendars, images, formatting and posting to your site.

Content Production

Topic and writer selection, major editing, fact checking and final editing.

Content Production

Topic and writer selection, major editing, fact checking and final editing.

Content Planning & Strategy

Great content isn’t simply written, it’s “produced” after sufficient collaboration, creation of a solid written plan, coupled with a very thoughtful and detailed Creative Brief and a Topic Matrix. Writers tend to be terrible at coming up with truly effective titles. Our Content Managers go through extensive training in direct response copywriting. They will create the titles and intro hook to make the writer’s job much easier. With those documents ready, writer recruitment, training and assignments tend to be far more productive.

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Content Planning & Strategy

Creative Brief Design

Title / Topic Ideation

Title/Hook Copywriting

Content Production

Even the best writers can’t deliver high enough quality work alone. It takes multiple steps and multiple people with different skills to produce feature-worthy content. After the writer’s drafts are submitted, a senior level editor will usually see major opportunities for improvement. The next step involves a plagiarism and fact check to eliminate duplicate content and poorly substantiated claims. The last step is a Chief Editor putting eyes on the work for the first time. The Chief Editor will make minor edits and accept or send it back to the team to rework based on their comments.

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Writer Team Assignments

Senior Editor Iteration

Copyscape & Fact Checking

Chief Editor Final Pass

Content Management Services

The Content Manager will source one or more licensed images for each article, typeset, format and present the deliverable to the client. New client projects can take more feedback in the beginning and much less over time.

The Content Manager’s job is to become a trusted extension of the Client’s team consistently delivering killer content and even doing the final publishing on the client’s website.

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Featured Image Sourcing

Typesetting & Final Formatting

Client Feedback & Instructions

Publish to Client’s Website

Content Performance Services

The Content Ready team is composed of experienced content marketers. We live by the saying; “you can’t improve what you don’t measure.” We have the systems and experience to promote content, track content engagement and even measure the financial performance of each piece of content we create. Tracking engagement and financial performance metrics of content allow the Content Manager and the client to see new opportunities and seek continuous improvements through retrospective analysis.

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Content Promotion

Engagement Tracking

Performance Reporting

Retrospective Analysis